Hi pal! I am so excited you found me and are here! I can NOT wait for us to get a chance to get to know one another and grow together as we navigate life with chronic illness! Finding our place in this world can be hard but now that we are together we can do so much more! My name is Willow and I am a 27 year old woman trying to thrive in this world with my chronic illnesses in tow. I wanted to create a place that was no longer a giant highlight reel but a place to get real information, that is actually helpful. There is no gatekeeping here when it comes to information. If you don’t see a blog on something: Tell me and it will be up the next Tuesday/ Thursday (I post every Tues/ Thurs). This is a place to in a sense “skip the learning curve” that took me so long to adjust too once I was diagnosed. There are so many things that are trying to grab your attention and use it all up. I want to help you identify: what is important and what you can do to make sure that those things are protected. It is easy to get burnout when you are fighting your own body so you have to learn how to put up boundaries and hold true to them… & quickly. This page is about balancing chronic illnesses with NORMAL WANTS AND GOALS. Wait.. did she just say that? Yes, you can still have goals and hobbies that you love to do and you can still do them. The only thing that could possibly change your hobbies would be to what extent you can be involved in them. You can still be who you were you just have to learn who the new you is. What the new normal is going to be, and once you know that the world is back to being your oyster.

So let’s get to know you!

Willow is a white woman with blonde hair wearing natural makeup. She is tilting her head smiling and wearing a blue shirt with "BE KIND" written on it in white letters.

Motto for the year:

Begin Each Day With A Grateful Heart

The goals I have for this year…

  1. Grow closer to Christ. All I do do for the glory of HIm

  2. Complete my psychology degree

  3. Practice cooking and get more comfortable in the kitchen

  4. Get a blog post published weekly.

  5. Attend our home church weekly.

  6. Walk/run everyday, build strength and endurance

  7. Land a few brand partnerships to help pay for medical bills. Get accepted to amazon affiliates!

  8. Travel to Iceland.

  9. Help others find confidence in themselves with their chronic illnesses and remember that you are not your disease.

  10. Focus on creating family memories as just me, mike & Belle without feeling pressured .

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    Any links to amazon on this website will be linked to my amazon affiliate account. Willow Ann may earn commision on qualified purchases made through links posted on this site.

What People Are Saying

“This was an intense read. Thank you for sharing! We have some crazy similarities with childhood experiences and family doctors not listening. It was an ER doctor that I credit with saving em and bringing me tko my specialist too. i’m so sorry that yours progressed so quickly and needed surgery so young. Glad I am not there yet”

— Rebekah (@noveladdictions)

“Your blog is so fresh and welcoming and your posts are awesome. So understand what you mean about education, took me seven years to do my bachelors degree and a lot of help along the way. You write so beautifully and honestly.

— Erin (@thefightingfae)

“It has definitely helped me! Finding your account when I was dealing with making decisions about immanent surgeries and understanding a possible future has helped so much. ”

— Rebekah (@noveladdictions)

“He isn’t waiting for you to get back to your full function so that He can be close with you again. He isn’t listing off what you are completing each day to see if you are worthy of his love” -”That paragraph in particular meant a lot. I LOVED your ending paragraph/sentence about Heaven…so true.”

-Christina (@hisprincesschristina)

“It means so much to me that you're sharing your story and others like us wont feel alone!!The main thing getting me through this current flare is that I know Jesus loves me and is right beside me thru the pain!! Your messaging about Jesus and your commitment to live your life for and with him is coming through loud and clear! thank you for your courage to share your life’s story!!”

— Sandy

“I loved this post, thank you! As someone with ADHD, I struggle with cleaning because I get overwhelmed. I think that making a list of each task involved in cleaning a room and then focusing on just one task could actually work for me!”

— anonymous