Willow Smith Willow Smith

First Hospital Experience

Every chronically ill patient has there first hospital experience story. They have to figure out how they are going to accept this. You reach a place that you never expected to be and coming to terms with that can be confusing. This is how my visit went and how I processed.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Cleaning & Chronic Health

How I manage to keep a 2600 sqft house clean without causing myself to get sick. I use a bunch of tricks and little hacks. I introduce a new way of looking at managing a household and how to keep it clean. This is a bunch of hacks that I have slowly learned over the years and will hopefully help you from having to learn them on your own!

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Your Education is just as important

Dont let anyone tell you that your education is less important because of your illness. You are allowed to want to continue schooling even when you are sick. You are allowed to have accommodations and live your life.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Hi there!

Hey guys, I am beyond excited to be finally posting my blog for all to see. I wanted to introduce myself a bit to you guys. I want to create a two way street. I learn so much from being friends with you all and you mean so much to me. I hope that I can use this blog to share ways to live that will help you thrive in life with your chronic illness. Most importantly, I want to share Christ with you. I want each and everyone of you to know you are never alone and you are wonderfully and beautifully made.

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