Psalm 51: “If you dont know God’s nature you wont turn to Him when you mess up. Feel the full weight of what you have done to God, we live in the time of grace so we make it a cheap grace.”

Have you ever been in a situation where someone chooses to do something that would not make christ happy then when you bring it up to them they tell you that God will forgive them. They are abusing his Grace. God doesn’t give us grace to just go around and act a fool to simply pray to Him after for a clean slate with full intentions to do it again. When we pray to apologize to Christ and ask for his forgiveness it needs to be a prayer that does 3 things: Acknowledges what was done wrong, Apologizes and Explains how to avoid doing something like this again, and telling God how much we love him. If you are going about your life knowing God will give you grace and making no effort to live more like him you are displeasing God.

You see God sent His ONE and ONLY son down to EARTH to DIE for OUR SINS.

When we do things like make no effort to turn from our sinful ways and take advantage of God’s grace we are cheapening the price of that grace. That grace was not cheap so dont allow it to be taken as such. When you repent be honest and true.

So, if we look back to the scripture we can see that David is not just repenting but is asking God to help him to turn from his sinful ways. He tells God, Dont renew or restore my heart. REPLACE mine. Give me a new heart because the one I have is distorted, ugly, damaged and I dont want to do anything like this agian.

Can you comprehend such a prayer? He isnt asking for God to accept Him with his flaws He is asking God to remove the flawed heart and place in Him a pure heart so he can be transformed and not return to his past mistakes. wow. wow. wow. POWERFUL STUFF PALS.

I want to close with a prayer and something to think on.


You are almighty. You are all powerful and yet you still want us. You still love us and deal with all of our faults. You give us unending Grace even when we dont deserve it and I cant thank you enough for that. I am flawed Lord. I am a mess and my heart is distorted and ugly. My heart looks nothing like the heart of someone who follows you so closely should. I am asking that you dont renew my heart that you replace it. I pray that when you replace this old and broken heart of mine with a new one you create in it a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit eith in me. I want to be more and more like you each day. Growing closer and closer. So right now, I ask that you point out to me anything that offends you. Search my heart and look behind every closed door. Tell me where my heart is going wrong. Show me my offenses. I want to be transformed so I cant return to that mistake. I ask this all in your name.


If this is something that really stuck with you, I would encourage you to wrtie this down on a powem and say it aloud everyday.

The plea of depth: I want to be completely conformed to God ordained, I want to blend into you and I want to blend perfectly into the will and nature of my savior. Amen


The Deep End