As you may know David is the writer of the Psalms. Many times in his writings he shows us his heart openly and asks God to go through his heart and make it new.

Going into the Deep End with God is to Dive in whole heartedly with God.

The way to do this is to spend time remembering the important moments that God has provided us with. It is important to spend time resonating on all that God has done for us. He gave his only son to cover our sin.That concept gets lost easily because it is brought up so much and people become desensitized. In order to go Deep with God we need to get uncomfortable. What does that mean? It means bearing your heart for him to see.

In Psalm 17, David asks so open and honestly to have God probe his heart. He asks him to investigate his heart. To go through and find anything that is displeasing to the Lord. He knows that there is sin in his heart and he knows that the way to grow deeper with Christ would be to open his heart fully to Him. Choosing to let go of all his sin and owning his imperfections.

The greatest desire of all human beings is to be fully known and fully accepted and our greatest fear is to be fully known and not accepted. The part that I want to remind you all of is that no matter what God finds and what God sees he will always accept us. He wants us more than we can ever understand.

David goes into the idea of having the Lord test him. He wants to be tested so that he can be as pure of heart as much as possible. The example of what he is asking God is not unlike the concept of Jesus being tested by Satan for 40 days in the desert. He is asking God to search him for what is wrong and help him to be more like Christ the way God calls us to be.

As we look at this it can be intimidating. Going deeper is scary. It can be uncomfortabel but the end result is beyond beatiful.

Let’s close this with a prayer.

Lord, I ask that you reach into our hearts and point out directly what you want to fix. That you make it so shamelessly visible that there are things you want us to fix. Make it known to us so we can allow our hearts to be more like you. Lord, I ask that you give comfort to those wanting to go deeper with you by reminding them that you accept them for who they are no matter what. You will help them grow closer with you if they are willing to work with you. I ask that you give strength to change behaviors and adjust the habits we have. Lord, I pray that you lead those who arent sure if they are ready to go deeper to a path that gives them comfort to move forward with this. I pray that you lead each person who comes across this blog to examine their relationship with you lord.

In your name we pray,



Going Deeper with God


Understanding Psalm 45