Birth Control & IUD Experiences

Birth control is complex. It takes such an intense toll on a woman’s body. It effects the way we feel, the way we react, the way our bodies work, the way our bodies grow and it is hard. You would think with all of the medical advances we have made, birth control would have improved 10- fold by now. I really never expected for birth control to play such a big role in my life. I mean this in the sense that I didn’t expect to be in a place where I would not be able to carry a pregnancy and so becoming pregnant is not an option. So now that it does, I have noticed that people don’t talk about things like they should. I don’t understand why women’s issues are always supposed to be not talked about or if they are in a hushed tone. Well, I am not saying this in a hushed tone. THERE IS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF WHEN IT COMES TO TALKING ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL.

Over the last few weeks, I have been asking everyone on my stories about their experiences with birth control and IUDs so that I could bring not only my thoughts and experiences but others. I wanted this to be a blog that you felt like you actually were able to get a deeper understanding of your options based on other’s experiences.

I had a copper IUD called the ParaGard, for about 3 years. It is supposed to last up to 10 years. When I had it placed it was uncomfortable but after that initial two weeks I loved it. It was something you forgot you had and didn’t take much energy to keep up with. It was one of those get it and forget it options and that was amazing. When I had to get it removed it had become embedded into my cervix. Since this experience, I have learned that this is much more common than I ever knew. I really appreciated it for the time I had it because I really never had to worry about pregnancy and for someone who is unable to carry a baby that is my worst nightmare.

After having to have it removed I decided to have it replaced and when that happened it all started going wrong. All of the things that you hear people saying that are their reason for not staying with the ParaGard were what I was experiencing. It was constant cramping, extra heavy periods, longer periods, pancreatitis attacks, and migraines. It was wild and rough. I ended up having it removed after a few months and getting the Kyleena IUD, It was awful for me as well. I had hormonal acne, I had terrible cramps, I had horrific migraines and finally, Mike and I decided that it was taking too much from my quality of life and it would be better to just have it removed.

I’m going to share some of the data I collected.

Followers & IUD's

This is the number of people who interacted with this story and if they have had an IUD, Currently have one, or never have. The amount of people who have not had one was shocking to me. I have always seen IUD's as the kind of thing that you use so you dont have to think about it. With all of my health problems I didnt want another thing to worry about maintain or another variable to add when it comes to being sick .

Types of IUD's & how many have had tried them

This was also surprising to me. The one person who has had the copper IUD was me. otherwise no one else has had it now that is just who interacted with these stories but still.

Since then, We have been using old fashioned birth control (Condoms). I say this openly because I feel that it needs to be talked about. Birth control is important for those of us who are chronically ill. Especially because pregnancies with our background of health issues and medications could be incredibly dangerous. I have been told that I cant carry a baby and so we plan on doing IVF with a gestational surrogate. I am petrified of getting pregnant. You know how scary that concept is. Being told you cant carry one but being technically able to create a baby. Its terrifying because I would never be able to have a baby that would be safe from my medications and would not cause me immense pain. It would destroy me if we got pregnant because I would want to be so happy but I know it would not be the happily ever after. I would be hoping for a happily ever after, But honestly, It would be more like a nightmare. This is also why I feel so strongly about sharing because I believe this should be a more talked about conversation.

For now, this is me just scratching the surface but I hope that this helps someone out there trying to find their way. I plan to talk more on this but needed a good foundation before beginning.

With all my love,

Willow Ann


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