Holy grail Amazon Finds

I have a group of things that help me when it comes to managing my pain. They are things that help in differing degrees. For example, I included things that help me create a healthy environment for mike to sleep while also allowing me to do what I need to stay calm and rest. I love this Bluetooth headband. It only takes 2 hours to get to a full charge. The charge will last for hours and hours. It is also super cheap and comfortable.

Using my favorite items right before bed. I am wearing my Bluetooth headband as well as my squishmallow & barefoot dreams dupe blanket!

I also have included my favorite battery pack chargers. I have these chargers in different places of the house because I spend a ton of time on my phone and I don’t want to be searching for a charger. Some days I wouldn’t have the energy. A lot of the things I find most helpful are things that help make life easier and keep me from having to walk around more. This leads me to one of my biggest pieces of advice with chronic illness.

Have things close to you so you can eliminate the need to get up and go get it before being able to start the task. This is also why I have chargers all over the house.

Unfortunately, when you live like we do something as small as the item you need being in the other room can keep us from getting to that task at all. It is hard having to remember so much all the time and make sure you have everything you need. That is why I do what I can to have certain things at each of my spots so I don’t have to go searching.

I love my tile stickers. I am constantly losing things in the house. I think it really is simply because it is always so much to remember every time I move from one spot of the house to another. This is another thing that drives me nuts when it comes to my health. I swear I was not someone who was forgetful before I got diagnosed. To be honest, I don’t know I can even qualify as someone who is forgetful. Do you know how rare it is for me to forget one of the three major things I need anytime I leave the house? I think I have done it once in the last year and I ended up having Creon in the truck. I feel like its at home where I have the hardest time keeping, my pump, my phone, my Creon and whatever other meds I need that day with me as I move around. It is hard to keep up with everything in our minds. So I need the tile stickers because there are times I cant find my PDM but you know what … I am not going to accept that that means I am someone who loses things. I keep up with stuff way more than the average joe. If this is something you relate too, then you aren’t someone who is forgetful either! We rock this chronic illness all the time its okay if we misplace a few things here and there inside our own house!

I love my weighted blanket. It really helps when I am having a bad flare day or I am going a few days without my meds and my skin hurts. The weight is just so helpful and settles my nervous system down. I love this one I found. I usually just ask mike to lay it over me because it is a little to heavy for me. However, I often times run hot so that is when I usually move to my barefoot dreams dupe blanket from amazon. It is just enough of a blanket to keep you warm enough to feel like you have something covering you but it is light and airy. I absolutely love it and rotate between these two!

Axolot my fave and my fave blanket!

The last thing is my squishmallow. I am shocked by this but I love how they made these pillow things. They genuinely feel like a cloud on your body. It is really nice because usually I cant have anything touching my abdominal area and these are so supportive. I really am surprised with how much I love this and i think it can really improve pain for a lot of you.

Squishmallow is a crowd favorite

Lastly, the portable fan. This is awesome. There are many times with the medicine I am on or the pain I am in, I don’t know exactly what causes it but I overheat. Having this fan to just prop up next to me when I am overheating helps a ton and it helps keep the house comfortable for mike. Otherwise I would crank the temperature down so low he would freeze ha!

You can just click on this picture and it will take you right to it! Let me know if these are helpful! I really hope I can help you find things that make living with chronic illness easier.


Hypercritics turn into Hypocrites.


Chronic Illness: Dating Ideas