It is so hard to feel valued when you are doing something that is not considered typical in your circle or even your family. Also, it can be hard finding your value when you are doing something that was not a part of your initial plan. I think when you are doing something so on your own you need help remembering that you are bringing value into the world. When instagram launched the subscription option it caused me to start to take a deeper look at what I am doing and the value of it. Am I posting things that value being paid? The blogs that I post take hours and are filled with information I learned over years, is that valuable enough to charge people?

Next came the whole thought process of whether or not I wanted to have anything to do with the subscription feature. I began thinking about the reason I started this instagram business and blog. The goal was to share lessons I learned over the years of health problems to people so they didn’t have to learn the hard way. My next goal was to share Christ. I also wanted to make sure that everyone felt included. I wanted to work with brands to get discounts so that those living on disability could buy things that they need or want without breaking the bank. Certain parts of this have been taking longer than others and began making it more difficult to decide on what my next step was.

People who have jobs outside in the world can see a direct line from what they do to how it affects others. When you are chronically ill and are not working a normal job you don’t see that line so easily. The line that shows how your actions affect those around you gets blurry and hard to see. Then there are times when you are capable of finding the line that leads between you and the people you are helping however, you begin to wonder if those around you can see it.

People want nothing more than to be known and accepted. This can be really hard when you don’t have a daily 9-5 that gives you feedback on your work. There are no progress reports. There are no one on one’s with the boss to discuss your work. It begins to get lonely. You sometimes get to a point where you wonder if you are making any kind of impact on the world. Are you doing anything that affects the world or those around you. It can feel like what you are doing no one recognizes it as well as cares. As though even though you know the work you do takes time and energy that others in the house dont have the ability to do, it doesn’t matter because it isn’t classified as a real job. There is no pay for being a stay at home wife who cares for the household even though every job you do is essential. The question of value may come to your mind.

This is exactly why you cant place your worth or value in worldly things. Worldly things will do nothing nut make you feel less than. If your worth is placed in Christ you know that the things you do are directed by God and therefore are highly valued. You are valued by the most high and he doesn’t care what you do as long as you are doing it for the Glory of God.

This leads me to the reminder that just because the knowledge you share is from life experience and isn’t from a degree doesn’t mean that it isn’t important. Often times people feel that their worked doesn’t deserve to be compensated for if they aren’t famous, certified, graduated or etc. This is not something that is only applicable to stay at home wives or those who are chronically ill it is very common for people who have made the decision to be content creators to feel like this when they are just starting out. This really comes back to the deeply engrained feeling that if what we are doing doesn’t result in payment it isn’t of value. However, you have to start somewhere and who knows where you might end up. Your knowledge and your time has value. When you are unable to work and have many chronic illnesses it can be hard to feel that you have something worth sharing. Your time is just as valuable as anyone else’s. You deserve to be compensated for that time as well. It isn’t like, since you have a chronic illness and cant work your time doesn't get to be compensated. Your time is valuable.

Who gets to measure what is valued and what is not? The most valuable work we can do here on this Earth is share our kindness and help lead people to Christ.

Hopefully, the next time when you feel alone or like what you are doing does not have value you will remember this. Your value is not of this world. Your value comes from Christ and if you are following his lead and doing all things to the Glory of Him, you are incredibly valued. You were hand knit in your mother’s womb and you are loved.


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