learning is essential

Never stop learning because there is so much to see and experience in the world. Whether you study plants, animals, travel, finances, it doesnt matter its always good for us to explore new things and learn how they fit into our lives. By learning these new things we are able to connect them with knowledge we currently have and grow on it. This is how we improve the world and respect others and how their knowledge makes them special.

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Green Flags for Finding a Safe Person

Being vulnerable with someone is vital to the successfulness of your life. However, it is important that you are careful when it comes to who you are vulnerable with. Life is hard and not every person you come across has your best interest at heart and therefore, shouldn’t be privy to your deepest thoughts, insecurities, and hurts. However, these are some examples of green flags. These are good signs that you can trust someone with your struggles and lack of understanding. People who want to enable you not take the fact that you don’t understand and use it to control you.

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Clear Liquid Diet

Clear liquid diets are usually given to people to do about 24-48 hours before a procedure. A clear liquid diet can be prescribed for things like scans, blood work, imaging, endoscopy, colonoscopy, or prepping for surgery. All of these require figuring out how to manage hunger & appetite while eating only clear liquids. This is the most helpful and in-depth explanation! 

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My partner is a busy bee… How do I keep up?

My husband is someone who is always on the go. He loves having projects. He loves exploring the world around him. He loves building and creating things. He likes to be working on projects bt with my health I often cant keep up. I wanted to share my tips and tricks to meet in the middle so that you and your partner can still spend time together. Supporting each others hobbies and activities is important and vital to a successful relationship.

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3-5 Business Days

When I became chronically ill something changed that I never expected. It was how I planned my life. Not in the way you may be thinking in the sense of what I want to do and how to do it. It changed in the sense of how I planned trips and events. I had to plan rest days. I didn’t used to have to plan for my body to be unable to function for days after a trip or event. I eventually started calling it my 3-5 business day recovery plan. I thought I would share this with you in hopes that you and your loved ones may be able to understand each other better. As well as, maybe gibing you a new tip or trick to make life more manageable so you can feel like you are thriving not simply surviving.

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I am tired

I am tired. Tired means so many things. It can mean I need a nap, it can mean im worn out from that specific thing, it can mean im exhausted from life. When a friend with a chronic illness tells you they are tired; they are telling you they are tired of fighting to live. They are tired of fighting doctors to get the treatment they need a deserve. They are worn out. No one wants to fight as much as we do especially when you feel as sick as we do. It is exhausting. So lately if you ask me how I am… Im just tired.

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How to find a Doctor that respects you.

Finding a Doctor that respect you and listen to you is becoming more and more difficult. I have been able to create a somewhat successful process over the years and I want to share it with you. If this can help one of your appointments go a little better than it is all worth it. I lay out each step and how I go about finding the candidates. I then remind you that this is an interview for them. Doctor’s like to act like they are blessing you with their time but you are paying for them. Make sure you find someone who listens and respects you.

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Easter Sunday

A breakdown of easter sunday and what the resurrection meant. Resurrection sunday also has been described multiple times in four different ways. The resurrection of Christ has been explained multiple times, once in each gospel. The gospels are each pointing out an important life lesson and an important topic that was being pointed out in order to share to the followers of God. Also, I share a little on how my own personal Easter Sunday went.

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The Most Powerful Place in Israel for Me

One of my favorite places in all of Israel was the Garden of Gethsemane. I love how I could feel the presence of my God so powerfully. This was where Jesus wept over what was to come for him. This was where Jesus begged his father to save him and find away for this to happen differently. However, when his father didn’t have that option He accepted the plan with grace. I pray that I stay like this for Christ. I pray that the decisions that I make and the life I live whether it involves health problems or not. I remember praying for answers on whether I should have my surgery and I remember Christ telling me that he wasn’t done with me. It was a hard and painful decision and there are days that i feel like I made the wrong call but I listened to my God so I know I am doing what I was called to do.

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Israel Itenirary

This is what our group did on our Israel familiarization tour. The reason I keep specifying that it was a familiarization tour is because of how much we did in such a short amount of time. However, that was the purpose of this trip. It was incredible. If you have any interest in going you need to read this israel Itinerary Blog. I will always say you need a guide. Not just any guide, but someone who is a local and knows the ins and outs of the country. It is tumultuous at times but it is the safest when you are with people who speak the language and know the area. THis is just an example of my trip and I would love to answer any questions!

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Valentine’s Day Reminders

If Valentine’s Day has you feeling some type of way this year; Don’t let it. You are beautiful and truly precious. A single day where your entire love life is not decided by that one day. Breathe, don’t over think a holiday that does not define who you are.

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Things no one told you to throw out.

You know the things… the things that no one tells you and you just happily find out way too late to even be able to care… well these are the things and how often you really should be changing out your mascara, pillow, toothbrush, and basic everyday essentials. They get gross too and who wants to be getting sick from things like this.. not me!

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Motto #1

What are your life mottos? What statements do you come back to when life is not going right? DON’T WORRY! I am sharing all of my tips and tricks for getting through life as someone who is chronically ill. These blog posts are for everyone though because whether you have a chronic illness or not you have had to face adversity at times. It is hard and it can be awful but hopefully with these tips it cane make life just a little more manageable. Assess, Adapt, Move on or in Michael’s case Overcome!

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How Can I Help My Friend in a Flare

Flares are inevitable for people with chronic illnesses. We do our best to avoid them but they happen even when we do it all right. THey are usually temporary but that can mean as long as a few days to months. They can also have different levels of severity. This blog post is all about what to say, what to do, what not to say, and what not to do. Its straightforward and honest and I hope it helps!

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BTS of B&W

The story of the friendship of Bailey & Willow. This is a 12+ year story in the making. We have been through things that people grow old without experiencing. We decided to open up and be as honest as we can with you all to help you understand who we are and how we relate to each other. Also, to remind you, you are never to far gone for God. I love you B!

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Sleep Apnea… Really?

I had always been told that sleep apnea had a certain criteria that had to be met. You either were overweight, you were older, you had huge boobs, you had other breathing issues, you snored way too much. I didn’t know that it was something that can happen to anyone and those criteria I thought I knew are just a stereotype from the olden days when they didnt know what sleep apnea really was. Come alone with me as a 25 year old figures out what the world of sleep apnea is like and how to survive it.

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How do you measure value? How do you compensate someone for the help they have given? What has value? Is value simply of this world or is there another side to value that isnt measurable. Do you measure value based only on how much money you make? Value could also be based on how in line with God’s plan for your life you are?

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Who is Who?

The hospital is its very own ecosystem, filled with unique species that all do differnet things. For example, you have attendings who make the decisions, you have the interns who are learning how to identify a health problem, you have x-ray techs who discover things that are hard to find, and you have nurses who will do everything they can to help you make it through this hard time. It is complicated but once you get an idea of how it works you understand why it is this way.

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Service Dog Basic Info

Service Dogs. Lately, people have started making it difficult to trust whether they have a truly trained service dog or if it is a regular untrained dog that helps with anxiety. This post is all about the differences and what qualifications are needed. It is also about what things are required and what are not. I hope this helps make this journey easier for at least one person out there!

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