Let’s start with some very basic details of what our Israel trip consisted of. We started our trek from Texas to STL and stayed the night with my parents. We arrived at the STL lambert airport to fly out by 5:30am. We arrived in Tampa at 8 and then had a 14 hour layover before leaving for Tel Aviv.

It was a 13/14 hour flight. The longest I have ever been on & the first time I have been out of the country. The flight was super intriguing with the length. They would “tuck us in” after giving us dinner & then there were plenty of food left out to get however they also come back with breakfast.

When we landed it was 3:30pm in Israel and we drove straight to Tel Aviv hotel we were staying at. When we got there we were immediately prepped for all the things we will be seeing or doing. The first night mike & I walked s down towards Jaffa up and down the Mediterranean sea board walk. It was beautiful.

The first day of our time in Israel we went to Jaffa and explored throughout the town. Jaffa was absolutely beautiful.  Then we went to Caesarea by the sea, Mt.Carmel, see Megiddo, drive thru Nazareth, Cana (water to wine miracle), spend night in Galilee.

The second day: (Nof Ginosar) Dec 10 Set sail on the Sea of Galilee, Museum of the Jesus Boat, Church of the Beatitudes, Korazin, Capernaum, Tabgha- St. Peter’s Primacy, St Peter’s Fish, Jordan River, Magdala, (drove around entire Sea of Galilee). Spend night in Galilee.

The third Day: Jerusalem) Dec. 11 Jericho (seen only from a distance), MASADA, Qumran, Ein Gedi, Float in Dead Sea, Arrive in Jerusalem and spend night in Jerusalem.

The fourth day: Jerusalem) Dec. 12 Mount of Olives, Palm Sunday Road, Church of Dominus Flevit (teardrop Church -Jesus wept over future of Jerusalem), Church of All Nations, Garden of Gethsemane, Temple Southern Steps, City of David (David’s Tower), Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Zion Gate/Jewish Quarter, (see Cardo /Damascus Road), Upper Room, Mount of Zion, King David’s Mausoleum, Church of St Peter in Gallicantu (near site of Caiaphas’ house/Christ’s prison/stone steps where Jesus was taken to praetorium, courtyard where Peter denied Jesus 3x). Spend night in Jerusalem.

The fifth day, Jerusalem Dec. 13,

Herodium, Bethlehem, Shepherds Field, Church of the Nativity, St Jerome’s Cave, Olivewood Factory/Shop. spend night in Jerusalem.

The sixth day: (Jerusalem) Dec. 14,

Shilo, lunch in Christian Quarter of Old City, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, after dinner. Spend night in Jerusalem.

The seventh day: (Jerusalem) Dec 15, Temple Mount, Western Wall Tunnels, Church of St. Anne’s, Garden Tomb. Preatorium, Jerusalem market, Farewell Dinner. Depart for airport in Tel Aviv after dinner. We flew out of Tel Aviv at 11:15pm and got to Tampa in the morning & then spent our 14 hour layover in the America lounge and it was amazing.

This was just the first scratch of the surface of our trip to Israel. I can’t wait to share more of this incredible trip with you all. What would you like to hear or see next?


Expect & Accept


Valentine’s Day & Chronic Illness & Marriage.