My partner is a busy bee… How do I keep up?

My husband is someone who is always on the go. He loves having projects. He loves exploring the world around him. He loves building and creating things. He likes to be working on projects bt with my health I often cant keep up. I wanted to share my tips and tricks to meet in the middle so that you and your partner can still spend time together. Supporting each others hobbies and activities is important and vital to a successful relationship.

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Valentine’s Day Reminders

If Valentine’s Day has you feeling some type of way this year; Don’t let it. You are beautiful and truly precious. A single day where your entire love life is not decided by that one day. Breathe, don’t over think a holiday that does not define who you are.

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Motto #1

What are your life mottos? What statements do you come back to when life is not going right? DON’T WORRY! I am sharing all of my tips and tricks for getting through life as someone who is chronically ill. These blog posts are for everyone though because whether you have a chronic illness or not you have had to face adversity at times. It is hard and it can be awful but hopefully with these tips it cane make life just a little more manageable. Assess, Adapt, Move on or in Michael’s case Overcome!

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Chronic Illness: Dating Ideas

Dating with a chronic illness can be hard but communication is necessary. These are a list of some dating ideas and concepts and how you can adjust them to work best for you and your partner.

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