Clear Liquid Diet

Clear liquid diets are usually given to people to do about 24-48 hours before a procedure. A clear liquid diet can be prescribed for things like scans, blood work, imaging, endoscopy, colonoscopy, or prepping for surgery. All of these require figuring out how to manage hunger & appetite while eating only clear liquids. This is the most helpful and in-depth explanation! 

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My partner is a busy bee… How do I keep up?

My husband is someone who is always on the go. He loves having projects. He loves exploring the world around him. He loves building and creating things. He likes to be working on projects bt with my health I often cant keep up. I wanted to share my tips and tricks to meet in the middle so that you and your partner can still spend time together. Supporting each others hobbies and activities is important and vital to a successful relationship.

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3-5 Business Days

When I became chronically ill something changed that I never expected. It was how I planned my life. Not in the way you may be thinking in the sense of what I want to do and how to do it. It changed in the sense of how I planned trips and events. I had to plan rest days. I didn’t used to have to plan for my body to be unable to function for days after a trip or event. I eventually started calling it my 3-5 business day recovery plan. I thought I would share this with you in hopes that you and your loved ones may be able to understand each other better. As well as, maybe gibing you a new tip or trick to make life more manageable so you can feel like you are thriving not simply surviving.

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I am tired

I am tired. Tired means so many things. It can mean I need a nap, it can mean im worn out from that specific thing, it can mean im exhausted from life. When a friend with a chronic illness tells you they are tired; they are telling you they are tired of fighting to live. They are tired of fighting doctors to get the treatment they need a deserve. They are worn out. No one wants to fight as much as we do especially when you feel as sick as we do. It is exhausting. So lately if you ask me how I am… Im just tired.

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How to find a Doctor that respects you.

Finding a Doctor that respect you and listen to you is becoming more and more difficult. I have been able to create a somewhat successful process over the years and I want to share it with you. If this can help one of your appointments go a little better than it is all worth it. I lay out each step and how I go about finding the candidates. I then remind you that this is an interview for them. Doctor’s like to act like they are blessing you with their time but you are paying for them. Make sure you find someone who listens and respects you.

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The Most Powerful Place in Israel for Me

One of my favorite places in all of Israel was the Garden of Gethsemane. I love how I could feel the presence of my God so powerfully. This was where Jesus wept over what was to come for him. This was where Jesus begged his father to save him and find away for this to happen differently. However, when his father didn’t have that option He accepted the plan with grace. I pray that I stay like this for Christ. I pray that the decisions that I make and the life I live whether it involves health problems or not. I remember praying for answers on whether I should have my surgery and I remember Christ telling me that he wasn’t done with me. It was a hard and painful decision and there are days that i feel like I made the wrong call but I listened to my God so I know I am doing what I was called to do.

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Valentine’s Day Reminders

If Valentine’s Day has you feeling some type of way this year; Don’t let it. You are beautiful and truly precious. A single day where your entire love life is not decided by that one day. Breathe, don’t over think a holiday that does not define who you are.

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How Can I Help My Friend in a Flare

Flares are inevitable for people with chronic illnesses. We do our best to avoid them but they happen even when we do it all right. THey are usually temporary but that can mean as long as a few days to months. They can also have different levels of severity. This blog post is all about what to say, what to do, what not to say, and what not to do. Its straightforward and honest and I hope it helps!

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How do you measure value? How do you compensate someone for the help they have given? What has value? Is value simply of this world or is there another side to value that isnt measurable. Do you measure value based only on how much money you make? Value could also be based on how in line with God’s plan for your life you are?

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Chronic Illness: Dating Ideas

Dating with a chronic illness can be hard but communication is necessary. These are a list of some dating ideas and concepts and how you can adjust them to work best for you and your partner.

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My (Medical) Story

Chronic illness diagnosis story. It took a long time to be diagnosed but once I was I began a huge rollercoaster of hospital stays and surgeries. I was misdiagnosed for years because teenage girls with stomach pain are usually constipated or have acid reflux or an ulcer. It took forever to be diagnosed even though it is familial. I was super sick and so thankful for some answers.

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