“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

What was your biggest “Ah- Ha!” moment while in Israel? Was there anything that until you went to the Holy land you were unable to understand completely until being there. These tours and time of prayer allowed me to grow deeply in my faith. There is so much we will never understand but I want to learn as much as possible. I am being as vulnerable as I know how to be to share that I did not know the significance of “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken Me?”

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What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It is the day that Jesus rode a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. The people gathered in crowds and fanned Him with palm fronds. They would lay the palms, robes, and other plants down on the road to help the ease the steps for the donkey. The road being incredibly steep and uneven. They celebrated His arrival and less than a week later they will condemn Him to the cross.

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The Most Powerful Place in Israel for Me

One of my favorite places in all of Israel was the Garden of Gethsemane. I love how I could feel the presence of my God so powerfully. This was where Jesus wept over what was to come for him. This was where Jesus begged his father to save him and find away for this to happen differently. However, when his father didn’t have that option He accepted the plan with grace. I pray that I stay like this for Christ. I pray that the decisions that I make and the life I live whether it involves health problems or not. I remember praying for answers on whether I should have my surgery and I remember Christ telling me that he wasn’t done with me. It was a hard and painful decision and there are days that i feel like I made the wrong call but I listened to my God so I know I am doing what I was called to do.

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