Moving is hard enough when it comes to packing, finding a house, traveling, etc. When you have to worry about doctors as well it can be a headache.

I have moved multiple times at this point in my life as well as having to search for specialized doctors to help with my health. These situations have allowed me to learn a few tips and tricks when it comes to finding talented, good doctors. Doctors who want to help improve your health as much as you want to. Doctors who want to solve the mystery that is your symptoms and body. Doctors who want the challenge and are willing to fight to help. Going through all of this has helped me to decipher what things in a doctors resume are red flags and what are green flags. I want to share this all with you because there is no reason we should have to go through so much trauma and pain when trying to get a new doctor. I haven’t figured out how to stop that but once I do I promise I will spill it all!

These were a few of my doctors during my hospital stay after my surgery. THere were so many specialists and this team in particular I gelled with the best. I felt like they were the most respectful as well as knowledgeable. It is amazing how doctors who simple ask “How are you?” and end with “What do you think about our plan? Do you have any questions?” can change everything

When I am first looking for a new doctor, there are a few things that I look for. I start with a simple outline in order to narrow down the list. When I do this it helps me to find a doctor who is capable of helping me when I first see them. Instead of wasting time calling around trying to get into a doctor who isn’t planning on listening to me in the first place. It is important to find a doctor that has interest in an area that is a either a trouble spot for you or a known health problem. By doing this you are appealing to their personal interests. This helps encourage their passion for what they do. That way they will listen to you with a genuine goal of helping to heal your body.

My Endoscopic team. These are the people that have been by my side through every procedure. Mark has been my anesthesiologist each time and Liz is the most incredible scrub nurse I have ever had and I am so blessed.

When I begin I start first with searching google for the top best doctors in my area.It is as simple as that. I then write the names that pop up often down on a list. I use the reviews to see what the people in the area have to say about their experiences with these doctors and their front desk staff (which is just as important trust me). I then narrow the list down to the top 5-10 doctors that were given incredible reviews.

Once I have my list of my top doctors I search them individually. I do research on each doctor themselves. I look at where they studied, how long they have been practicing, what they specialized in, what they too special interest in when doing their research in residnecy. Using this information I can then get my list down to about 3-5 doctors that I feel are worth reaching out to.

From this point, it is all about who I can get in to see first. I usually make a new patient appointment with my top two doctors depending on how far out they are booked. This gives me some wiggle room in case the first doctor I see doesnt work out. I used to find the one I wanted to work with but then they either would have no availability for months or I would see them and our personalities would clash. When this would happen i would be stuck starting over in the waiting process. If you make your two new patient appointments and you end up liking the first doctor you see you can call and cancel your other appointment without any harm or foul. You were able to provide yourself with a safety net which makes the whole process a little less daunting and stress inducing. You don’t want to stay with a doctor that you don’t get along with or feel respected by because you know that it is going to take you way too long to get into another doctor. Because of this, I just remove that variable and book two new patient appointments with two different doctors.

Now that I have my appointments I begin creating a list of things that need to be discussed. I make a list of questions to gauge their comfortability with a case that is as complex as mine. I set it up like an interview because here is the big secret…. IT IS AN INTERVIEW. I dont know when this got so lost in translation but you are hiring a doctor. THat is what is happening. You need to be able to work well with this person and trust them. It is vital. They may not believe it or act like it but this is job interview. They are getting money from you to be seen; do not let them make you think it is the other way around. If you dont feel like they are able to manage the multiple health problems you have dont hire them. It is not personal. You are trying to hire a doctor who is going to do their job and unfortunately that can be seriously hard to come by nowadays.

The best thing through this all is that doctors have nurses and they are the most incredible human beings ever. Their kindness and caring attitudes are beautiful and I would not make it though any of my hospital stays or appointments without you.

I hope this helped even if it was just a small little piece to think about. You are worthy and capable, don’t let doctors talk down to you and trick you into thinking that they aren’t working for you.


What is May Day?


God’s Timing Not Mine.