Have you ever wished for something so much that when it finally happened you felt that maybe it wasn’t the right time or it wasn’t as good as you had expected? was it enough? Did you wish for the right thing? Sometimes, when a God ordained blessing is placed into my lap I can’t believe it is a blessing for me. Is it too good to be true? It may be something I have been working towards or planning for years but when it is finally falling into place I almost am so shocked or in disbelief that making the jump towards what I have wanted for years seems almost not right. The world makes us question our worth. The world makes us question God ordained things because the devil is confusion. He uses confusion and the fickle nature of our hearts against us. Here is the good news, if it is God ordained He will make it known. Our God is NOT a God of confusion but of CLARITY.

Doesn’t that just bring you so much hope? When I read that it was like a breath of fresh air. There is so much deciphering that goes on in our average day. I love that God is clarity. God is understanding. With God there aren’t misunderstandings and right now I could really use that.

When we moved to Baton Rouge, I had a plan. I was sure we could create a community down there and that we would only be there about 2-3 years. I was nervous but I knew the steps we needed to do so that we could form this community, that I imagined. Well, something none of us could have expected happened and the world shut down. Staying home was the best decision for our family and so we lived at home as much as possible. Anything, I had planned in my head to create this community meant meeting people, which meant going into buildings and being near people; which was exactly what was not recommended for people like me, with no immune system. However, Louisiana had outdoor activities galore. I had never spent much time thinking about the state of Louisiana growing up and what it would be like to live there. We spent at least every other weekend at beaches collecting shells, one of my favorite hobbies. We got the most use out of our kayaks and canoes than ever before. The one thing we knew for sure when we were moving was that it was going to be such a blessing to live so close to Mike’s childhood best friend who has continued to be one of his closest friends through it all. Mike and Mike (yes, they are both named Mike), grew up together, went to the same schools, were in the army together, were in each other’s weddings and now we had the opportunity to spend so much one on one time with him and his family. His wife was a friend of mine before but that grew so much stronger and their sweet little girl was the center of our world. We did things together all the time and it was such a blessing. We no longer live by each other but those 2 years are PRECIOUS to all of us but most definitely me and mike. We may not have formed a community in Baton Rouge but we formed a sweet and wonderful family. As we came up on our two year anniversary of moving there we were called to move again. It was a clear calling that God was sending us.

When Mike was offered the job that would require us to move to Texas we prayed. It was clear that it was a calling from Christ so we began house hunting. What we didn’t know is that we were about to be in one of the worst housing markets since 2008. We were blessed to have found a house right on the edge of the interest rates going up but not going up to the point that we couldn’t buy a house. That was all God. That was the example of the clarity He will give when you follow His callings. This time we were on our own. We didn’t know anyone in the area we were moving to. We were going to have to build a community from the ground up. We had the fact that the world was going back to normal going for us which was such a blessing. I was sure we would create a community here and I also now know that we are planning on staying longer than 3-5 years. Honestly, we would stay as long as possible but its 14 hours away from our families and that just doesn’t seem doable, long term. Anyways, I know we are going to create a community here and I know it is going to be for a decent amount of time.

Well, all of this “knowing” and being “sure” of what we are creating and starting is finally coming to fruition. You know vision boards are a great concept and they aren’t against Christ however, it needs to be a situation where you are praying to God about the goals on the vision board and not placing the vision board on the pedestal that God belongs on. I usually try to speak things into fruition. I talk my goals and dreams out to God. I also make lists and pray over them. I lastly, want to make a vision board in order to identify what things God is calling me towards.

Finally, I am creating a community. Mike and I are creating a real community of friends. We have found a home church. We have met neighbors who are people that we click with. We have met great people that we have bonded with at our common places to visit. We have found our favorite dinner places. I found my favorite coffee and work place. I found a place to work on my blog and drink a ton of coffee as well as meet and support local friends. I have meet some people at church that I recognize and recognize me when we are out and about around time. Lastly, i have made such a truly wonderful friend that I can count on and I cant wait to continue to grow closer! God led us here and each step, though it may have been difficult, was clear.


How to find a Doctor that respects you.


Easter Sunday