God’s Timing Not Mine.

God is straightforward. God is clear when it comes to what He is wanting our next move to be. If you are feeling confused on a decision that is the work of the devil. The devil plants doubt in our hearts and minds. If he successfully makes us doubt a decision we had already felt so clearly with Christ than he is winning the power over our hearts not Christ. Think about how you make your decisions and what you feel when making those decisions. God’s timing not mine.

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Motto #1

What are your life mottos? What statements do you come back to when life is not going right? DON’T WORRY! I am sharing all of my tips and tricks for getting through life as someone who is chronically ill. These blog posts are for everyone though because whether you have a chronic illness or not you have had to face adversity at times. It is hard and it can be awful but hopefully with these tips it cane make life just a little more manageable. Assess, Adapt, Move on or in Michael’s case Overcome!

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