20 Life lessons in a decade

20 life lessons I have learned over the course of the last decade. In the last 10 years, I have been through it all. I have learned closely and painfully how precious life is. I have learned that life isn’t easy when you are healthy and is much more difficult with a chronic illness but following Christ allows you to see the lit path before you. Today, 10 years ago, I went states away following the lit path to have a surgery that was my only hope outside of christ performing a miracle. 10 years later to the day I look back to see that that surgery was my miracle. This was also a life event that changed everything about who I am, who I am going forward, who my friends and family are to me. and now we are a decade out. chronically ill, total pancreatectomy with auto islet cell transplant, pancreatitis, type 3c diabetes, diabetic life, chronic pain, neuropathic, neuropathy, migraine, narcolepsy, cataplexy, insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, splenectomy, appendectomy, surgery, hospitals, doctors, ready to be heard, feelings are validated, validation of pain, friend who understand , family understands

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God’s Timing Not Mine.

God is straightforward. God is clear when it comes to what He is wanting our next move to be. If you are feeling confused on a decision that is the work of the devil. The devil plants doubt in our hearts and minds. If he successfully makes us doubt a decision we had already felt so clearly with Christ than he is winning the power over our hearts not Christ. Think about how you make your decisions and what you feel when making those decisions. God’s timing not mine.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Valentine’s Day & Chronic Illness & Marriage.

Valentine’s Day gets overhyped so much that often times it overwhelms people. If you want to and can celebrate it; that is great! Have a wonderful time! If this just isn’t a night you can make work or you just don’t like the pressure associated then forget about it. Valentine’s Day is like a giant reminder sticker so that we don’t forget that life is short and people can be gone the next day. so the point is take the lesson of Valentine’s day and carry it around all year. Don’t let yourself get to a place of complacency and taking your spouse for granted. Time to own our relationships and treat people the way they should be treated year round. I hope this helps!

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