As we enter the holiday of love you may be wishing you can just fast forward. You may even be thinking that you don’t even care about all of this lovey dovey stuff. Maybe, you are hopefully waiting for your valentine to walk through that door. Whatever place you are in, we need to talk about who you are. That answer will not be coming from how your Valentine’s Day goes.

I love that this was in a random parking lot outside of a bar in my hometown. haha. I had to snap a pic.

You are loved by God. Deeply and intentionally. He intentionally seeks you out day after day to walk alongside you. If we feel lonely it has nothing to do with where God went it has everything to do with where we went. We walked away. Our one true love should be Christ and if you think that way you will find yourself resting easier on this holiday. It adds stress and makes people panic about the clock and what others think but that is not what matters. You are loved and never alone. So with that being said these are some of my top Valentine’s Day reminders!

Trying to see things through my rose colored glasses. or carnations in this case! haha

  1. Your identity is not rooted in having a valentine or having the most romantic valentines day dinner.

  2. It is not worth continuing if you are not feeling cared, respected, and cherished.

  3. YOU, are what makes Valentine’s Day special; Not what you go do or how much money you spend!

  4. If you don’t have a Valentine this year that does nothing to change who you are. You are made uniquely in His image and you are not alone. I personally, was never asked to be someone’s Valentine and I have been fine. It seems so important at a younger age but as you get old you can see it as just another day.

  5. You deserve to be loved in a way that is honoring, safe, compassionate, encouraging, patient, and supportive.

  6. Don’t Settle just to have a Valentine!

  7. Dont box yourself in. Yes, this holiday is about love and romantic love at that. This being said, allow yourself to just send “Words of Affirmation” or “Acts of Service” for those you care for. Galentine’s Day is just as important if not more important when you think abou how little we thank and appreciate our friends.

  8. Valentine’s Day is a nightmare to actually go out on and is exhausting for not reason. If you do go, go early and make your own Valentine’s Day so you don’t have to worry about the crowds.

  9. Try to remember to feel joy for those around you who are fortunate enough to celebrate the holiday. I know that can be hard but it truly is so exciting watching someone’s relationship grow.

  10. Listen to people around you to an extent. We can get wrapped up in an idea of the relationship and others can see how the real relationship is going. Sometimes we may not even know we are in an abusive relationship until hopefully a close friend talks with us.

  11. Make sure you are doing something that is filling your cup and helping you know your value.

  12. Don’t overthink it. It is just another day for us to share our love for others. That is what it is about and there is no particular step by step process.

  13. If you are feeling lonely take your bible and go outside. God has written us tons of love notes in there.

  14. Lastly, you are loved by the strongest and most loving and forgiving God in existence. The one true King. You are never alone and never unloved.

Belle is always my Valentine. Me and her until the end.


Valentine’s Day & Chronic Illness & Marriage.


Things no one told you to throw out.