I am tired

I am tired. Tired means so many things. It can mean I need a nap, it can mean im worn out from that specific thing, it can mean im exhausted from life. When a friend with a chronic illness tells you they are tired; they are telling you they are tired of fighting to live. They are tired of fighting doctors to get the treatment they need a deserve. They are worn out. No one wants to fight as much as we do especially when you feel as sick as we do. It is exhausting. So lately if you ask me how I am… Im just tired.

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Sleep Apnea… Really?

I had always been told that sleep apnea had a certain criteria that had to be met. You either were overweight, you were older, you had huge boobs, you had other breathing issues, you snored way too much. I didn’t know that it was something that can happen to anyone and those criteria I thought I knew are just a stereotype from the olden days when they didnt know what sleep apnea really was. Come alone with me as a 25 year old figures out what the world of sleep apnea is like and how to survive it.

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