Clear Liquid Diet

Clear liquid diets are usually given to people to do about 24-48 hours before a procedure. A clear liquid diet can be prescribed for things like scans, blood work, imaging, endoscopy, colonoscopy, or prepping for surgery. All of these require figuring out how to manage hunger & appetite while eating only clear liquids. This is the most helpful and in-depth explanation! 

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Who is Who?

The hospital is its very own ecosystem, filled with unique species that all do differnet things. For example, you have attendings who make the decisions, you have the interns who are learning how to identify a health problem, you have x-ray techs who discover things that are hard to find, and you have nurses who will do everything they can to help you make it through this hard time. It is complicated but once you get an idea of how it works you understand why it is this way.

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