Green Flags for Finding a Safe Person

Being vulnerable with someone is vital to the successfulness of your life. However, it is important that you are careful when it comes to who you are vulnerable with. Life is hard and not every person you come across has your best interest at heart and therefore, shouldn’t be privy to your deepest thoughts, insecurities, and hurts. However, these are some examples of green flags. These are good signs that you can trust someone with your struggles and lack of understanding. People who want to enable you not take the fact that you don’t understand and use it to control you.

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Clear Liquid Diet

Clear liquid diets are usually given to people to do about 24-48 hours before a procedure. A clear liquid diet can be prescribed for things like scans, blood work, imaging, endoscopy, colonoscopy, or prepping for surgery. All of these require figuring out how to manage hunger & appetite while eating only clear liquids. This is the most helpful and in-depth explanation! 

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My (Medical) Story

Chronic illness diagnosis story. It took a long time to be diagnosed but once I was I began a huge rollercoaster of hospital stays and surgeries. I was misdiagnosed for years because teenage girls with stomach pain are usually constipated or have acid reflux or an ulcer. It took forever to be diagnosed even though it is familial. I was super sick and so thankful for some answers.

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