Willow Smith Willow Smith

Expect & Accept

I like to share the things I learn in therapy and one of the most recent things is “Expect & Accept”. I struggle when it comes with doing all I can to please those around me. I try to please them to a point where my own well being is no longer important. I focus so heavily on the other person whether or not their reaction or action was acceptable. This is something that I struggle with so much but we cant control people. We have to remember when people react we can prepare ourselves for this by excepting the possibilities and accepting that it is not our fault.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Valentine’s Day & Chronic Illness & Marriage.

Valentine’s Day gets overhyped so much that often times it overwhelms people. If you want to and can celebrate it; that is great! Have a wonderful time! If this just isn’t a night you can make work or you just don’t like the pressure associated then forget about it. Valentine’s Day is like a giant reminder sticker so that we don’t forget that life is short and people can be gone the next day. so the point is take the lesson of Valentine’s day and carry it around all year. Don’t let yourself get to a place of complacency and taking your spouse for granted. Time to own our relationships and treat people the way they should be treated year round. I hope this helps!

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Chronic Illness: Dating Ideas

Dating with a chronic illness can be hard but communication is necessary. These are a list of some dating ideas and concepts and how you can adjust them to work best for you and your partner.

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