How to find a Doctor that respects you.

Finding a Doctor that respect you and listen to you is becoming more and more difficult. I have been able to create a somewhat successful process over the years and I want to share it with you. If this can help one of your appointments go a little better than it is all worth it. I lay out each step and how I go about finding the candidates. I then remind you that this is an interview for them. Doctor’s like to act like they are blessing you with their time but you are paying for them. Make sure you find someone who listens and respects you.

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God’s Timing Not Mine.

God is straightforward. God is clear when it comes to what He is wanting our next move to be. If you are feeling confused on a decision that is the work of the devil. The devil plants doubt in our hearts and minds. If he successfully makes us doubt a decision we had already felt so clearly with Christ than he is winning the power over our hearts not Christ. Think about how you make your decisions and what you feel when making those decisions. God’s timing not mine.

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Easter Sunday

A breakdown of easter sunday and what the resurrection meant. Resurrection sunday also has been described multiple times in four different ways. The resurrection of Christ has been explained multiple times, once in each gospel. The gospels are each pointing out an important life lesson and an important topic that was being pointed out in order to share to the followers of God. Also, I share a little on how my own personal Easter Sunday went.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Why is Good Friday called Good?

What is “Good” about Good Friday? Why do we call it that? How do you reconcile with a day that is so horrific? This is the day that Christ has completed the work God had been planning for a while now. Christ is about to defeat death. He is going to wash the sins of the world away and remove any power from death. Its a huge and wonderful free gift that we will never be able to fully conceptualize. All because our God loves us so much

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“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

What was your biggest “Ah- Ha!” moment while in Israel? Was there anything that until you went to the Holy land you were unable to understand completely until being there. These tours and time of prayer allowed me to grow deeply in my faith. There is so much we will never understand but I want to learn as much as possible. I am being as vulnerable as I know how to be to share that I did not know the significance of “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken Me?”

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What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It is the day that Jesus rode a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. The people gathered in crowds and fanned Him with palm fronds. They would lay the palms, robes, and other plants down on the road to help the ease the steps for the donkey. The road being incredibly steep and uneven. They celebrated His arrival and less than a week later they will condemn Him to the cross.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

My Fave Makeup Products

I collected a list of the makeup products I use the most often and re- buy the most often. I also added my skincare routine in hopes that if any of you are strugm,ng on where to begin this can help. All of these products I have bought multiple times and they can be used in multiple ways. I also listed some of the makeup items I have on my wishlist. Makeup can be hard but I hope this can make it a little bit easier for everyone!

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Rattlesnake Roundup Experience

My experience diving into Texan culture and attending the Rattlesnake Roundup. It was incredible. Wonderful family activity, wonderful date activity. Love getting to experience new cultures and customs.

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The Most Powerful Place in Israel for Me

One of my favorite places in all of Israel was the Garden of Gethsemane. I love how I could feel the presence of my God so powerfully. This was where Jesus wept over what was to come for him. This was where Jesus begged his father to save him and find away for this to happen differently. However, when his father didn’t have that option He accepted the plan with grace. I pray that I stay like this for Christ. I pray that the decisions that I make and the life I live whether it involves health problems or not. I remember praying for answers on whether I should have my surgery and I remember Christ telling me that he wasn’t done with me. It was a hard and painful decision and there are days that i feel like I made the wrong call but I listened to my God so I know I am doing what I was called to do.

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Packing for an International Trip

Packing for any trip when you are chronically ill can be a daunting task in it of itself. However, packing for a trip that is across an ocean and a 13-14 hour flight is a whole other level of difficulty. My goal in this post is to help you understand what to pack and how to successfully pack so that you don’t over pack but you have what you need. Packing for Israel was difficult but together we can achieve anything. This is a post that should help explain all that and be honest about it all. I hope this helps and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Expect & Accept

I like to share the things I learn in therapy and one of the most recent things is “Expect & Accept”. I struggle when it comes with doing all I can to please those around me. I try to please them to a point where my own well being is no longer important. I focus so heavily on the other person whether or not their reaction or action was acceptable. This is something that I struggle with so much but we cant control people. We have to remember when people react we can prepare ourselves for this by excepting the possibilities and accepting that it is not our fault.

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Israel Itenirary

This is what our group did on our Israel familiarization tour. The reason I keep specifying that it was a familiarization tour is because of how much we did in such a short amount of time. However, that was the purpose of this trip. It was incredible. If you have any interest in going you need to read this israel Itinerary Blog. I will always say you need a guide. Not just any guide, but someone who is a local and knows the ins and outs of the country. It is tumultuous at times but it is the safest when you are with people who speak the language and know the area. THis is just an example of my trip and I would love to answer any questions!

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Valentine’s Day & Chronic Illness & Marriage.

Valentine’s Day gets overhyped so much that often times it overwhelms people. If you want to and can celebrate it; that is great! Have a wonderful time! If this just isn’t a night you can make work or you just don’t like the pressure associated then forget about it. Valentine’s Day is like a giant reminder sticker so that we don’t forget that life is short and people can be gone the next day. so the point is take the lesson of Valentine’s day and carry it around all year. Don’t let yourself get to a place of complacency and taking your spouse for granted. Time to own our relationships and treat people the way they should be treated year round. I hope this helps!

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Valentine’s Day Reminders

If Valentine’s Day has you feeling some type of way this year; Don’t let it. You are beautiful and truly precious. A single day where your entire love life is not decided by that one day. Breathe, don’t over think a holiday that does not define who you are.

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Things no one told you to throw out.

You know the things… the things that no one tells you and you just happily find out way too late to even be able to care… well these are the things and how often you really should be changing out your mascara, pillow, toothbrush, and basic everyday essentials. They get gross too and who wants to be getting sick from things like this.. not me!

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

How to create a bedtime routine

Having any kind of routine is difficult when you are chronically sick and in pain. However, it is important to acknowledge tings that must be done as often as they can to ensure we get the most out of each thing we do. This is how I prepare for bed to do everything I can to get rest for the night.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Cleaning Schedule Ideas

sometimes the hardest part about starting a new routine or project is the inability to know where to begin. I hate when I am being held back by the inability to find a way to make it work for my schedule. Hopefully, you can use this and adapt it to make it work for you.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

I’m just tired.

I wrote this when I was in a burnout spiral. I was questioning everything. I was trying to make sense of how I could be doing all I was supposed to do and still get sick. I didn't understand how I was always in a place where I was fighting for something that was supposed to be easy and helpful. Being sick like this requires a lot of fighting. Its as if you are fighting with the people who act like they want to help you but then make it harder. Anyways if you have Eberle been in this place or have wondered what it was like… here it goes.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Cleaning Tips & Tricks Pt. 2

Cleaning is a way I can help and feel like I have a party to play in our household. It can be hard to find your place when being a full time stay at home wide die to chronic illness. If I was healthy and able to be a stay at home wide I'm sure I would get so much more done and maybe not need these tricks but that is not the case and that is why I am so passionate with sharing my tricks because I don't want others to feel lost or useless. You are perfect the way you are.

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Motto #1

What are your life mottos? What statements do you come back to when life is not going right? DON’T WORRY! I am sharing all of my tips and tricks for getting through life as someone who is chronically ill. These blog posts are for everyone though because whether you have a chronic illness or not you have had to face adversity at times. It is hard and it can be awful but hopefully with these tips it cane make life just a little more manageable. Assess, Adapt, Move on or in Michael’s case Overcome!

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