How Can I Help My Friend in a Flare

Flares are inevitable for people with chronic illnesses. We do our best to avoid them but they happen even when we do it all right. THey are usually temporary but that can mean as long as a few days to months. They can also have different levels of severity. This blog post is all about what to say, what to do, what not to say, and what not to do. Its straightforward and honest and I hope it helps!

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BTS of B&W

The story of the friendship of Bailey & Willow. This is a 12+ year story in the making. We have been through things that people grow old without experiencing. We decided to open up and be as honest as we can with you all to help you understand who we are and how we relate to each other. Also, to remind you, you are never to far gone for God. I love you B!

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Stay at home wife (SAHW) pt.2

Stay at home wife - part 2. You make life easier and more livable for your partner. If you weren’t taking care of the house and the things that come with family relations when they finished work they would have to. That means less time in the day for them to live their life. You are valuable. Your job is a REAL job. I encourage communication between you and your partner so that expectations are aligned and then you also feel valued for your work. Remember life comes in waves. There are going to be times where you may have to help each other in either person’s lane and that’s okay!

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Sleep Apnea… Really?

I had always been told that sleep apnea had a certain criteria that had to be met. You either were overweight, you were older, you had huge boobs, you had other breathing issues, you snored way too much. I didn’t know that it was something that can happen to anyone and those criteria I thought I knew are just a stereotype from the olden days when they didnt know what sleep apnea really was. Come alone with me as a 25 year old figures out what the world of sleep apnea is like and how to survive it.

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How do you measure value? How do you compensate someone for the help they have given? What has value? Is value simply of this world or is there another side to value that isnt measurable. Do you measure value based only on how much money you make? Value could also be based on how in line with God’s plan for your life you are?

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Who is Who?

The hospital is its very own ecosystem, filled with unique species that all do differnet things. For example, you have attendings who make the decisions, you have the interns who are learning how to identify a health problem, you have x-ray techs who discover things that are hard to find, and you have nurses who will do everything they can to help you make it through this hard time. It is complicated but once you get an idea of how it works you understand why it is this way.

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Goals. We all have them. Some of us may not have taken the time to sit down and realize what they are but if they did they would realize they do. This is all about the goals on the about page that I wanted to be a group experience. It is hard to complete things but working as a team can change the situation entirely. I want to achieve these goals together so leave your thoughts in the comments

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Service Dog Basic Info

Service Dogs. Lately, people have started making it difficult to trust whether they have a truly trained service dog or if it is a regular untrained dog that helps with anxiety. This post is all about the differences and what qualifications are needed. It is also about what things are required and what are not. I hope this helps make this journey easier for at least one person out there!

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Devotional, God time Willow Smith Devotional, God time Willow Smith

Hypercritics turn into Hypocrites.

There are people out there who struggle with how they present christianity. I think that a lot of the times it is because they are scared that they have to keep everyone doing the right thing and they take it too far. This is much like the pharisees back in Jesus’ day. It causes more hurt than it does help. My point is that all of us must trust God enough to let Him be in control of others and not us trying to make sure we keep people in the box of safety.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Holy grail Amazon Finds

What you actually will benefit from off of amazon. These are my go to items that can help me so much with making sure I am comfortable and able to set up in a single area for awhile. I have a lot of things and hate having to move and reset everything up. These products are my all time faves and worth the price/ expense. My goal is to help make life more livable and Sustainable for you! 

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Chronic Illness: Dating Ideas

Dating with a chronic illness can be hard but communication is necessary. These are a list of some dating ideas and concepts and how you can adjust them to work best for you and your partner.

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My (Medical) Story

Chronic illness diagnosis story. It took a long time to be diagnosed but once I was I began a huge rollercoaster of hospital stays and surgeries. I was misdiagnosed for years because teenage girls with stomach pain are usually constipated or have acid reflux or an ulcer. It took forever to be diagnosed even though it is familial. I was super sick and so thankful for some answers.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

A closed door

Sometimes the best thing to do is to write out how you feel. It is hard being chronically ill and sometimes its hard to keep being positive. This poem is about depression and how it holds you hostage. How depression doesnt stop for anyone.

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Willow Smith Willow Smith

Birth Control & IUD Experiences

Iud and birth control experience with chronic illness. It is hard to manage symptoms already and much harder when you have another variable causing pain. This is my experience with some details from others.

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